Friday, April 9, 2010

Basic tips for web design

Try for Kids Bounce House simplic The main motiv of the site is to keep it simple; visitor do not go on the site to enjoi the design. Therefor try for simplic rather than go into the complexity.

Utiliti and usabl determin the failur or success of the website. As the visitor of a page is just not the onli on who would click a mous and would decid everything. User-centr design have becom the standard method for profit orient and success web design. We first want to know that what the user think how thei interact with the sites. What is the basic ideolog of user s behavior?

here come the import of interact web design in the picture. A profession websit design agenc should think from the point of view of end user of websit ie visitors. In reality,Normal user s habit over the net is just same as the costum s habit in the stores. Visitor just glanc at each and everi new webpage; thei normal scan some text and just get on to the first link that take their attent or interest. So. there ar mani part of the page which thei don t prefer to even look at.

Do not make visitor think

your work is to get free from all the questions,Th web page should be explanatori and obvious. So when you ar make a new website. therefor the user requir to make deliberately, consid the pro and con and other alternatives. If the number of question grow in user mind, then it would becom difficult for the user to understand the complet system and the visitor would not be abl to move from on point to anoth point.

thei would prefer to plai with servic rather than complet long forms. Do not test the patienc of visitor Let the user discov your websit and explor your services. Also it is not recommend to actual forc user to enter the email address just to test differ features. For the first time user.

Focu on the visitor s attention

Focus on the visitor s attent on certain area would actual help the visitor to move from on point to the other point. The less question visitor would find more trust thei would be abl to find in your company. Basic the more thei will think thei will get more confused.

Construct effect writing

therefor it is essenti to alter the write style. Promot write would not be read at all. All the long text without the imag and the keyword mark in ital or bold would be skipped. Also the exagger in the languag need to be ignored. Use concis and short phrases. A we know that the Web is entir differ from the print.

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