Friday, March 12, 2010

Is an LPN to RN Degree the Impossible Dream?

promot Inflatable Castle and manag patient care,RN s deliv qualiti care. supervis LPN s and assist personnel, collabor with other member of the health care team as professionals, and function as patient advocates. As an LPN there IS a wai you can earn your RN degre from an accredit nurs school in as littl as 12 months. You can learn at your own pace, at your own place, and for a fraction of the cost of tradit campu base programs, and you can keep your job and incom while you do it. Discov how conveni and afford earn your LPN to RN degre onlin can be. Don t delai ani longer. It s your future. It s your career. You can have a better tomorrow – start today.

onc thei becom a LPN thei ar often face with extrem limit job choic and wish there wa a wai to go back to school to becom an RN

Peopl who ar consid join the nurs field usual have to first decid if thei want to becom a LPN Licens Practic Nurs or a RN Regist Nurs . A person can becom and LPN in about ten month and get out into the work forc much quicker than someon go for an RN degree. Mani peopl make the decis to becom an LPN for financi reasons. Thei want to get their nurs licens quickli and start earn a live as soon as possible. However..

Work LPN who ar consid return to colleg to obtain an Associat or Bachelor degre in nurs ar confront by sever harsh realities. The first problem is that campu base nurs school ar face a sever shortag of nurs educ and ar turn awai thousand of well qualifi applic each year. The lucki few who do manag to get accept into tradit nurs program commonli have to wait between on and two year befor thei can get a seat in class to begin their studies. Combin those factor with the fact that tradit school schedul ar inflex and make it next to imposs for a work nurs to continu their degre goal without give up their present job and incom and suddenli obtain a better educ seem like an imposs dream!


and without sacrif their present job and incom while in school. LPN have the opportun to obtain an accredit RN or BSN degre onlin from the conveni of their home,The internet now make it possibl for work LPN to continu their educ without long wait time. on their schedule, at their own pace, and without ever need to step foot into a classroom.

abil to complet degre program at an acceler pace rather than be confin to the fix schedul that campu program demand,LPN to RN degre obtain onlin from accredit colleg and univers ar no differ from degre obtain on campu except for the obviou advantag thei offer to work nurses; abil to start right away. abil to attend lead univers regardless of where thei live, and the abil to keep their present job and incom while attending. In addit to those benefit onlin nurs degre cost far less than tradit campu base nurs school and mani form of financi assist ar readili available.

000 or more,LPN who get their RN degre gain an immedi salari increas of $13. a larger knowledg base, expand scope of practice, more autonomy, vastli superior career opportunities, job security, pride in accomplishment, and greater satisfact in their day-to-dai job. LPN who obtain their RN degre frequent report that becom an RN open up a vast arrai of job opportun that were previous unavail to them as an LPN and thi refresh and renew their nurs career as well as improv their home life sinc greater opportun in their career help reduc nurs burn out and workplac stress.


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