Thursday, February 11, 2010

Home | Arts & Entertainment | Antiques-collections The Bayeux Tapestry: Recreating the Norman Conquest

most Inflatable Human Spheres notabl dure the Franco-Prussian War and the First and Second World Wars. It ha also undergon sever restor process throughout the year and it remain on displai at Bayeux to thi day.

0,On of the most intrigu and impress tapestri work to emerg from the Middl Age is that of the coloss Bayeux Tapestry. Depict the event lead up to the infam Battl of Hast in which William the Conqueror invad England on Oct. 14, 1066, the tapestri is more than 70 meter long and current resid in a museum specif design for the piec in Normandy, France.

the tapestri is not actual a tapestri at all,Interestingli enough. but an embroid linen that wa stitched, not woven, from eight color of woolen thread. The fact that the piec ha surviv for more than 900 year is not onli a testament to it remark appeal, but an acknowledg of it invalu statu as the onli signific remain histor relic repres the earli Norman period in England.

Origin and Aesthet of the Bayeux Tapestry

historian believ it wa commiss by Bishop Odo of Bayeux the half brother of William the Conqueror around the time of 1070. The piec wa believ to have been put on displai in the Church of Notr Dame in Bayeux,Although noth is known for certain about the exact origin of the tapestry. where it remain for anoth 700 years. The earliest known refer to thi incred complex work of art wa record in a Cathedr inventori taken in 1476.

which were then join togeth to creat it full length. The piec essenti look like a giant comic strip compos of approxim 32 scene that expert have divid into roughli 13 sections. These section tell the stori of the event lead up to the William s defeat of England s King Harold,The embroideri wa origin construct from eight differ section of linen. with the final scene depict the Battl of Hast itself. There is also evid that the tapestri wa even longer at on point, possibl by as mani as seven or eight meters.

Almost Lost to History

Lambert Leonard Leforestier,Dur the French Revolut in the late 1700 the peopl of Bayeux us cloth to cover their ammunit wagons. When a shortag of cloth occur the Bayeux Tapestri wa cut up and us for thi purpos until on man. notic what wa happen to the relic and put a stop to it by replac the tapestri with other cloth. The citizenri of Bayeux eventu form a fine art council to protect it histor treasures.

and the piec wa eventu return to the peopl of Bayeux.

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