Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Need Excellent Employees? The Maslow Theory Is Your Guide

but serv the busi Water Walker world best. Savvi employ realiz that have staff who ar more focused,Th Maslow pyramid theori is us in mani area of life. more competent, and more effici ensur ultim success. Thi success can be secur by hire employe who demonstr the trait enabl by the top tier of Maslow s hierarchy.

in none of these is it more preval than in the busi world. With the mani and vari stage of life that differ peopl ar in,

Though the Maslow Need Hierarchi is appar in sever area of life. there is a much greater concern about the possibl of conflict in business. While the manag of a depart mai have achiev the stage of self-actu and ha a family, his/her entri level worker mai onli be at the cusp of secur their first apartment.

experienc anxieti with their physiolog as well as secur requir is of signific concern. Somebodi experienc that much tension mai well have their job start to worsenTh consider distinct among employe of uniqu stage of Maslow s hierarchi of need is most readili shown via the prior example. The stress level of somebodi who is onli just make do..

someon who ha met these basic needs,Conversely. with an apartment, family, and enough monei to easili get by, will more often than not provid superior work compar to others. It is difficult to focu in the monotoni of the daili workday, and have the abil to provid that focu increas effici and effect in the workplace.

smart supervisor want to recruit employe in the self-actu and esteem stages. Both of these stage usual take other peopl into account when workingThi is why a wise busi owner put prospect employe through a thorough interview process. Through interview it s easi to identifi those with stabl environments. In Maslow s terms..

Esteem stage employe benefit busi becaus their main desir is to gain attent and respect from those around them. Thei gain thi attent and respect by provid qualiti work and maintain excel relationship with other employees. Their competit drive allow them to excel at their job and ani kind of workplac competit increas qualiti perform and workplac cohesion.

worker don t simpli stagnat at a particular stage - thei mai drop back down the ladder. Hence,Work present in the self-actu part of a firm ar quit productive. Such worker concentr more on the job in hand. These worker seem to be calm with good conduct and pretti well sure of their worth and ar prepar to face the hardship of life. To add to this. it s advis to have onli those peopl who ar high up enough in the ladder to impart confid even when thei have occasion backslides.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Role of Metal Detectors in Schools

It is up to Inflatable Boat school administr to make their school a safer place to learn. Metal detector have becom a common sight as school attempt to stop violence. These metal detector plai a signific role in catch weapon and help student feel safer in the classroom.

but thei do not often have a wai to ensur that thi is true. Unfortunately,School have long been weapon free zones. todai s children and young adult have access to guns, knives, and other weapons, which can becom a danger to themselv and to other students. There is no good reason or excus to bring a weapon into the school building. With school violenc on the rise, district face tough decis on how to stop violent situat befor thei occur, make the need for metal detector higher now than it ha ever been.

but there is onli on wai to make sure that weapon ar not be let inside: metal detectors. To stop all type of school violence,Student certainli have the right to feel secur in school. of course, it is necessari to get to the root of the problem, although metal detector can go a long wai toward stop violenc in schools. By detect gun or knive in pocket and backpacks, a metal detector can make the school build a weapon free area.

school offici ar make the hard choic to instal metal detector in school to keep weapon out. Once walk through metal detector ar installed,A cross the country. all student and visitor must pass through the detector befor be allow to enter the school building. Although some school instal permanent, walk through metal detectors, mani find thi option cost prohibitive; the cost can be million of dollar for a singl school district.

which can be us select but requir secur personnel to wave the wand across each person be screened. These metal detector ar often an import part of secur procedur in govern buildings,Other district ar choos handheld metal detectors. airports, and other buildings, in addit to thousand of school worldwide. There ar mani kind of handheld metal detector to suit the specif secur need of a school setting. Hand held bodi scanner ar sensit enough to detect even the smallest weapon hidden by clothing.

decis must be made about how to implement them into the school day. Will everi student be search everi day,Once metal detector have been purchased. or will search be random or on specif dai when the threat of violenc seem higher?

a metal detector allow school to screen out the tool of violenc befor thei get into the school build in the first place. Not onli do metal detector in school provid a wai to stop violenc befor it happens,Instead of deal with incid as thei occur. but thei also provid a visual deterrent. The presenc of metal detector make would be crimin much less like to even attempt to bring weapon into the school. The addit of visibl secur featur such as these make all student feel more secur throughout the school day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Home | Arts & Entertainment | Antiques-collections The Bayeux Tapestry: Recreating the Norman Conquest

most Inflatable Human Spheres notabl dure the Franco-Prussian War and the First and Second World Wars. It ha also undergon sever restor process throughout the year and it remain on displai at Bayeux to thi day.

0,On of the most intrigu and impress tapestri work to emerg from the Middl Age is that of the coloss Bayeux Tapestry. Depict the event lead up to the infam Battl of Hast in which William the Conqueror invad England on Oct. 14, 1066, the tapestri is more than 70 meter long and current resid in a museum specif design for the piec in Normandy, France.

the tapestri is not actual a tapestri at all,Interestingli enough. but an embroid linen that wa stitched, not woven, from eight color of woolen thread. The fact that the piec ha surviv for more than 900 year is not onli a testament to it remark appeal, but an acknowledg of it invalu statu as the onli signific remain histor relic repres the earli Norman period in England.

Origin and Aesthet of the Bayeux Tapestry

historian believ it wa commiss by Bishop Odo of Bayeux the half brother of William the Conqueror around the time of 1070. The piec wa believ to have been put on displai in the Church of Notr Dame in Bayeux,Although noth is known for certain about the exact origin of the tapestry. where it remain for anoth 700 years. The earliest known refer to thi incred complex work of art wa record in a Cathedr inventori taken in 1476.

which were then join togeth to creat it full length. The piec essenti look like a giant comic strip compos of approxim 32 scene that expert have divid into roughli 13 sections. These section tell the stori of the event lead up to the William s defeat of England s King Harold,The embroideri wa origin construct from eight differ section of linen. with the final scene depict the Battl of Hast itself. There is also evid that the tapestri wa even longer at on point, possibl by as mani as seven or eight meters.

Almost Lost to History

Lambert Leonard Leforestier,Dur the French Revolut in the late 1700 the peopl of Bayeux us cloth to cover their ammunit wagons. When a shortag of cloth occur the Bayeux Tapestri wa cut up and us for thi purpos until on man. notic what wa happen to the relic and put a stop to it by replac the tapestri with other cloth. The citizenri of Bayeux eventu form a fine art council to protect it histor treasures.

and the piec wa eventu return to the peopl of Bayeux.

Monday, February 8, 2010

SEO search engine to determine conditions for cheating

SEO There Inflatable Human Spheres are various forms of cheating methods, such as: domain name bombing turned a new window pops up, making Link Farm-link farms and so on. For the SEO cheat the search engines and open to determine the following conditions:

Baidu to determine the conditions of cheating

The Inflatable Snowman web page source code in any location, deliberate inclusion of content not related to keywords.
The web page source code in any location, and deliberately a large number of repetitive keywords. Even with the Web content related to keywords, deliberate repetition is also considered cheating.
A web page search engine recognition, but the user can not see the hidden text. Whether to use the same background color, text, ultra-small font, text hidden layer, or abuse images ALT and so on, all belong to cheating.
Deliberate creation of a large number of links pointing to a Web site behavior.
On the same site, so that search engines and user access to different content pages (including the use of redirects, etc. behavior).
Cheating is defined as site-specific, rather than pages. A site even if only one page cheat, the site is also considered cheating.
Web site has links to fraud sites, jointly and severally liable, it might be considered cheating (however, cheat website link to the website, not cheating).
Google to determine the conditions of cheating

The use of hidden text or hidden links.
Employ cloaking or sneaky redirects.
Send automated queries to Google.
Load pages with irrelevant words.
Created with substantially duplicate content on multiple pages, subdomains, or domains.
Create install a virus (eg, Trojan horses) or other harmful software, web site.
Produced specifically for search engines using the "doorway" pages, or use such as affiliate programs with little or no original content original content, a "cookie cutter" (cookie cutter) method.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The DMOZ Factor

Googl still kid Inflatable Tent us DMOZ as it' back-up directori sourc and until that changes,Point is. it will alwai be import to have your site list in it' index. Now, despit some other seo urban legends, you can get top rank in Googl without be list in DMOZ - but it' a qualiti link if you can get it.

how much time should you dedic to get a DMOZ link?

and you'll be set.

Ther ar two wai you can submit your site to get listed. The harder wai is to find the categori your site resid in and enter your site there.

but it is a DMOZ link.

So how power is that link?

creat excel topic relat to home security,I have a former employ who is in the home secur business. For 2 year they'v gather qualiti link from relev sites. get directori submiss and do press releas on a regular schedule. All of those effort went un-reward in Googl for their most sought after phrase, "home security".

8 month ago,Then. I submit their site regionally, under secur companies, and 6 month later thei were list in DMOZ for that category. In 3 dai from that listing, thei now appear on the first page of Googl for the term "home security". Furthermore, their snippet is not from their meta tag, but the DMOZ listing.

On last tip when submit to DMOZ: Alwai try to submit to a categori that ha an editor. Thei ar extrem busi and most ar nobl in try to submit onli qualiti sites. So be kind and patient and enjoi the result of your get list in DMOZ.